The Story Of My Purchase, Repair And Enjoyment Of A 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GST

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ok, I Finally Got That Stubborn 3" SRS Stainless Steel Exhaust All Buttoned Up...Well Almost, I've Found That I Must Now Replace The Stock Downpipe. But! Wanna Hear How It Sounds Compared To The Stock Catback? I Knew You Would!

Out with the old, in with the new...And Improved! Getting the old one out was a chore, but the PB Blaster helped. I was really careful with the cat studs so as to not break them off.


So, I'm sure this is what you want to see.  Here's the vid. of the old exhaust, the new one and then the new one with the "silencer" installed.  Keep in mind that this video was shot on a cell phone and it has a built in compressor so the sound levels aren't exactly comparable...but trust me, the SRS isn't much louder than the stock 2".  I'm actually very surprised at how Not Loud (can't quite call it quiet) it is.

The old rusted unit.  See the big hole?  Yeah, this had to go.  Sadly, there is another crack / hole in the downpipe at the flex pipe.  So...that's next on the agenda.  I'll be back when I get that done...or some other project finished.  So to wrap up, I do like the sound and sound level of the SRS (gave it a quick spin on the highway, it's not any more intrusive than the wind on the convertible top) so I do give it a thumbs up and recommend it if you are in the market...and can find one.  Got mine off Amazon, but can't seem to locate it there again.  Did I get the last one?!

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